Sunday, 15 May 2011

a green wine fling

I've recently become a proud member of the Tamburlaine wine club.  This isn't just any winery, it's Australia's largest producer of organic wines, and the wine's extremely delicious in addition to being green.

Organic wine, like other organic food, is produced without pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilizers.  Organic farming reduces toxins in the earth and increases the nutritional value of your food, and it's also been shown that organic farming uses less energy.  What's not to love about all of that?

As you'd remember form my green eBay fling, I recently ventured into the Hunter Valley to pick up my gorgeous reused outdoor table.  I hired a ute and headed up with the hubby and Beth for some sight seeing and wine tasting.  After picking up the table and visiting Peterson's champagne house - a must-see for bubbly-lovers - we sought out the organic winery and were thoroughly entertained by quirky redheaded Gordo, resident cellar door expert who kept us in stitches and quickly signed us up to the wine club (I was sober, so he really was funny and the wine really was delicious!).

Tamburlaine's chalkboard of organic wine facts.

After the excitement wore off from our Hunter Valley adventure I was relieved to discover joining the wine club was great financial value, saving us nearly 50% off each bottle when we bought a case.  And of course I'm thrilled to have my wine cabinet stocked with organic wine - well, was stocked . . .

A delicious green fling if I ever had one!

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